


2024.07.03 浏览量:

时间 : 2024年07月08日 10时00分

地点 : A校区综合实验大楼319会议室

Li-Ion Battery Technology for Energy Storage Applications

主讲人 : 李大建 研究员

Sustainable or renewable energy is being strongly promoted as a replacement for fossil fuels to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Batteries, particularly lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), are essential for a successful energy transition to mitigate climate change. However, the application of LIBs is more complex than it may initially seem. This report aims to provide an overview of the application of LIB technology in energy storage systems (ESS). It will begin by introducing the various applications of LIBs. Following this, the specific requirements for different applications will be discussed. To address these requirements, the report will describe the development of LIBs, focusing on their components, including cathodes, anodes, and manufacturing processes. A brief introduction to battery management systems (BMS) will also be provided. Finally, the report will discuss future technological and market trends for the LIBs for ESS.

讲课人简单介绍:李大建博后探究生,瑞典热那亚上大学化学物质与素材科学性技木工院大学博后探究生,曾在华烨卡尔斯鲁厄工院探究院任职动力电池箱箱电极建筑材料素材探究工做任务,高等 探究员,华烨DFG内容顶尖探究员,现为华烨特斯福特工业企业动力电池箱箱研制部经历、高等 探究员,任职新型产品动力电池箱箱与储热技木的研制工做任务。

剪辑:曹蔚 责编:韦丽
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